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Hair loss – facts, causes, and treatment options

Have you ever woken up to discover your hair scattered across your pillow, or noticed an unusual amount of hair caught in your brush? On average, adults lose between 70 to 100 hairs per day. This is completely normal and not a cause for concern. Only when you lose significantly more than 100 should you consider addressing the issue and consult a doctor who can determine the cause. Fortunately, in many cases, the underlying cause is easily treatable.

What can be done about hair loss?

First and foremost, if you experience significant hair loss, it is advisable to seek medical attention. During your consultation, the doctor will ask a series of questions to establish an accurate initial diagnosis. They will inquire about the duration and details of your hair loss, any family history of hair loss, medications you may be taking, and your stress levels.

Subsequently, a thorough examination of the affected areas will be conducted, along with additional tests if needed. Based on the type of hair loss, an appropriate treatment method will be recommended.

Our hair loss solutions

We understand that hair loss can cause distress, and leave you feeling isolated. That’s why we’ve developed special solutions to help both women and men feel comfortable in their own skin once again. We’re also aware that there is no one-size-fits-all solution, which is why we have developed three individual options for you to choose from, based on your specific needs.

Stop&Grow: The long-term therapy for hair loss

Experience the effectiveness of our scientifically proven Stop&Grow® therapy in combatting hair loss! Our innovative solution regenerates your scalp, fights hair loss, and strengthens your existing fine hair, promoting new hair growth. Along with specialised products for professional salon use, the therapy includes a personalised set for your daily at-home care, tailored to meet your specific needs. Learn more about Stop&Grow® and see the results for yourself.

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